USA VS. Iran (Dake,Taylor,Gable) Not competing in match up?!

As some of you may have already taken note of. The United States and Iran were slated to Wrestle during the Oklahoma State and Iowa Hawkeyes dual. Possibly one of the biggest match up’s in recent times, considering the amount of fire power on each team! With Taylor having defeated Yazdani in Tokyo and then Yazdani getting even in Oslo. We all were hoping to see a 5th match between those two. Unfortunately , it looks as if we will not get to see this transpire.

In recent weeks, there have been quotes going around the wrestling community that the leader of the Iranian Wrestling Federation was spewing words of hatred towards America, “Death To America” and that they should not just say these things but actually act upon them. In fact in recent weeks there has been a former Greco Athlete from the Islamic Republic of Iran, whom recently became a full time citizen within the United States (Sardar Pashaei). A world champion in Greco Roman competition, has been quoted saying that the United States should not even compete against this regime who openly kills and executes athletes whom don’t go along with the political ideology of the Islamic Republic Of Iran! What he is actually referring to is the execution of former Iranian Super Star “Navid Afkari”. Even former President Trump tried to reason with the regime to free Afkari, however nothing was done and he was executed. All for speaking out on what he believes.

Truly a sad situation, that for many years US and Iranian wrestlers have been able to put aside political antics and just get after it on the mat. Having the up most respect for one another, being two of the world’s super powers in the sport of wrestling! Many around the world were certainly looking forward to a possible re-match with Taylor and Yazdani. Even with Gable Steveson and Reigning World Champion Heavyweight from Iran,Amire Hossein Zare. I know for myself specifically I wanted to see if the Iranian Heavyweight could withstand the brutality of Gable Steveson. In my view , Gable Steveson is the “Baddest Man” on the planet!

There aren’t many times in life that you would be able to see such a high level of wrestling in one night! Oklahoma State, and the Iowa Hawkeye’s? Two teams who have been rivals for such a long time. Year after year it is a battle of who’s who! And on top of that, we were going to be able to see two of the World’s Super Powers in the sport of Wrestling, all at the same time?!

I truly feel for the fans! However , we as a country have to put our safety first along with both sides of athletes. At the end of the day we must do what is right. Hopefully, this will be getting resolved, however the dual on February 12th is so far looking as if it Won’t be taking place!

Until then,
